
Leadership Development: Best Skills of a Leader (Part II)

By July 17, 2017 No Comments

Leadership Development Focuses on Improving These Skills

In the last Empower Adventures blog, we discussed the different skills needed to become a great leader. We follow up that blog here by rounding out the most important skills for leadership development.
Leadership is about getting the most out of yourself, getting the most out of your team, and instilling confidence in your company. Empower Adventures helps you hone a few unique skills in our leadership development program. Learned skills, more than anything inherent in you, will help you lead your team and increase your chances of success in all you do.

Leadership Development Skills

In our last blog, we talked about learning self-awareness, staying honest, and developing the ability to properly delegate. Today, we will round out the blog with a few more skills you should learn during leadership development.


Communication skills form the foundation for almost everything that goes on in your office. You cannot delegate without effective communication. You cannot teach skills, set expectations, give advice, and settle complaints without the ability properly communicate. When you communicate well with your team, you set a standard of communication that they can then follow. This will allow everything to run more smoothly when tasks get passed from one team member to another, or when issues arise in the office.


The most commonly known trait of leaders, confidence, is an easy trait to spot in most CEO’s, presidents, and other people in leadership roles. Though maybe not exactly a skill, you can do different things to keep your confidence and the confidence of your team, up. Keeping a positive and can-do attitude in the workplace will keep your team believing in your leadership, believing in their own skills, and believing in the direction of your company.

Problem Solving

Most complex real-world problems have more than just one solution. Often times it takes different perspectives and types of people to solve a complex problem in the best way for your team. Team problem solving takes a lot of other skills, namely communication, confidence, and delegation skills, but it is the ultimate goal of your team. When you finish your leadership development training, you should be more adept at helping your team solve problems by using all the other skills you have gained.

Empower Adventures Teaches You How to Lead

We offer leadership development at our adventure park in Virginia. We incorporate our tree top adventure, ziplines, and other tasks specifically designed to improve your ability to effectively lead your team. Contact Empower Adventures today to take your leadership skills to the next level.